Founder Stories

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success stories

Highlighting our VENTRYs


marly - Seamless & enjoyable group meetings | by Simon Ashwood

You can have online conversations with groups that just feel real. So you can enjoy connecting with people all around the world.

What did VENTRY give you?

VENTRY gave me access to a community that boosted my motivation and energy level to new horizons! They also provided me with all the ressources & knowledge to start a business.

What has been most valuable for you in RAC#1?

The sprints during the weekend! Pushing yourself to just do it is the best way to actually get to work and also get something done quickly.

What pains did you have in the beginning that VENTRY solved for you?

I had the idea and everything, like a rough plan, but VENTRY showed me how to build a Minimal Viable Product and create something tangible to show the world. They also helped me to create my very first pitch deck to show potential investors!


MOZA - Redefine your wardrobe | by Jessica Rossouw

Moza is a platform for local tailors in Mozambique, helping them gain access to a global market by creating a brand that redefines men's clothing.

What did VENTRY give you?

VENTRY gave me the stepping stones and the bravery toward establishing my business idea and supporting me through the whole journey.

What has been the most valuable for you in RAC#1?

Really, creating new connections and camaraderie with other people around the world who are wanting to make a difference with their unique ideas.

What pains did you have in the beginning that VENTRY solved for you?

Feeling like my idea wasn't worthwhile enough - but being shown that it really was worthwhile and valuable.

👋 Hi! I'm Julian Paul
If you have any questions or concerns,
you can reach out by clicking my avatar
or find me on LinkedIn:

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